Board and Director Evaluations
We wrote the book on board and director evaluations– and it’s coming out later this year. Our board evaluation methodology is the most powerful board-building tool we’ve found in 25 years of working with boards in the S&P1500 and around the world. Our experience in director evaluations dates to 1996.
Board Culture Assessments
The Board of Directors sets the ultimate tone at the top. Does board culture align with corporate culture? Which of four board archetypes best characterizes the board’s current “operating mode” – and what practical steps may be required to create a cultural shift or reinforce the “tone at the top” directors want to establish?
New CEO’s Board Effectiveness Program
Developing a constructive working relationship with the board is one of the most important things for any new CEO to accomplish in their first 12-18 months. This unique program leverages our experience working with nearly 200 boards over the past 25 years to advise CEOs on a range of board-related issues.
Building Board 2.0
An exciting new tool for board succession planning that engages the entire board. It offers several advantages over the board skills matrix – and can be readily adapted to Zoom.
New Director 360s
Created for a Fortune 100 board in 2019, the New Director 360 helps boards to make the most of their new director talent; it’s best used 12-18 months into a new board members’ tenure, as the capstone of an effective director orientation process.
CEO Succession Planning
A board’s single most important decision is the selection of the Chief Executive Officer – and we think it’s important for the board to drive CEO succession. We don’t conduct searches; boards bring us in before they hire a headhunter (or anyone else) to help them develop a comprehensive CEO Succession Roadmap – that engages the entire board and gets the CEO succession process off to a great start.
Board Champions Advisory Program
Board Champions are leaders who want to create, maintain and lead a truly outstanding board. They’re our favorite clients – in fact, they’re the only board leaders we work with – because we’re all about innovation and excellence. We created the Board Champions Advisory Program to serve as a resource to Board Champions both in board-building and navigating the many challenges of board leadership.
Building a Board-Worthy Executive Team
We create tailored initiatives to enhance the effectiveness of your executive team in working with your board. It’s not only great professional development for senior management, it serves to enhance board dialogue and decision-making.
IPO Boards
Getting a new board off to a great start is a unique opportunity– and we help to make the most of it – from developing board leadership, designing director orientation, workshops for your senior team and using Board 2.0 to optimize board composition.