Take Your Board to the Top of Its Game
Board consulting is our core business. It’s not a sideline to an executive search, compensation or leadership coaching practice. We’re all about boards – and we bring unparalleled expertise, knowledge and experience to our clients on key board issues.
For More Information on Board Advisor’s President and Founder,
Beverly Behan CLICK HERE.
Great Companies Deserve Great Boards
A Board of Directors should be an important asset to the company it governs – and to the CEO, executives, shareholders and other stakeholders who have a vested interest in the company’s success. That’s what we believe and that’s the focus of our work. We’ve worked with nearly 200 Boards of Directors over the past 25 years, from the Fortune 100 to recent IPOs, across the U.S. and around the world.

Our Services
Board and Director Evaluations
We wrote the book on board and director evaluations. Our board evaluation methodology is the most powerful board-building tool we’ve found in 25 years of working with boards in the S&P1500 and around the world. Our experience in director evaluations dates to 1996.
Board Effectiveness Programs for New CEOs
We offer four programs to help New CEOs master one of the most important transitions of their career: Working effectively with their board – and building a board they can be genuinely proud of.
For Board Chairs
“Bev’s perspective helped me to navigate some very thorny issues in my first year as Chair, including a tough CEO decision. I’m thrilled with all the positive feedback I’ve been getting from my board colleagues about my leadership.”
-Chair of a global company operating in 20+ countries
Building a Board-Worthy Executive Team
“This almost feels like a different board – our pre-reading materials are far more streamlined and focused. Executive presentations are vastly improved. We’re having much better dialogue in our meetings and they’re far more effective.”
-Chair of an S&P1500 financial services company
IPO Boards
“Board Advisor really set us up for success in working with our new board. This wasn’t about compliance or role descriptions; this was practical advice anchored in deep board experience that I’ve never seen anywhere else.”
-Senior Executive of a Fortune 500 spin-off IPO
Building Board 2.0
An exciting new tool for board succession planning that engages the entire board. It offers several advantages over the board skills matrix – and can be readily adapted to Zoom.
New Director 360s
Created for a Fortune 100 board in 2019, the New Director 360 helps boards to make the most of their new director talent; it’s best used 12-18 months into a new board members’ tenure, as the capstone of an effective director orientation process.
CEO Succession Planning
A board’s single most important decision is the selection of the Chief Executive Officer. We don’t conduct searches; boards bring us in before they hire a headhunter (or anyone else) to help them develop a comprehensive CEO Succession Roadmap that engages the entire board and gets the CEO succession process off to a great start.
Workshops: Unique One-on-One Workshops for Board and Corporate Leaders

New CEOs and Boards
Fresh Ideas – Direct from the Boardrooms of the S&P1500
Don’t Just Get Frustrated – Fix It!